Monday, February 21, 2011

World Hunger

World Hunger

Like a mad counterfeiter cranking out mountains of $100 bills to feed America's outrageous debt addiction, the Fed chief is literally running amuck.
Sound familiar? Perhaps to a student of the German hyperinflation of the 1920s. But nothing like this has ever happened in the United States — even in response to other recent threats to the economy.
But now look! Fed Chairman Bernanke's new money printing makes those prior money-printing episodes look like a speck of dust by comparison. In fact, what you are witnessing today is the world's largest money-printing binge since the Weimar Republic in Germany, when it took 3 trillion marks to buy one dollar!
Hard to believe? Then consider the facts: From September 10, 2008 through the end of 2010, Bernanke increased the nation's monetary base from $851 billion to $2.03 trillion. That's an irresponsible, irrational, absolutely insane increase of 138.6% in just 27 months!
And now, even as commodities continue to surge on world markets, Bernanke is printing still more, flooding the economy with another $600 billion in funny money. Worse, there's serious talk that he'll announce another round of money printing as soon as the $600 billion runs out.
  • The FAO's Food Price Index reached an ALL-TIME high in December. Then, that record was smashed once in January ... and yet again here in February!
  • The current food price surge alone has already pushed an additional 44 million people into extreme poverty, bringing the number of chronically hungry people to 1 billion — not exactly a comforting thought for sitting governments of the world, whether dictatorships or democracies.
  • French President Nicolas Sarkozy is so alarmed by rising food and commodity prices, he's just warned the G20 countries of worldwide huger riots looming ahead. Think it can’t happen here in Grady County Georgia? I am a world traveler, I have seen empty store shelves in several countries.
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